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Term Deposits & Savings Account

Term Deposits & Savings Account

Take advantage of the term deposit and savings accounts offered by ProCredit Bank

based on your needs. Make full use of your capital with the preferential interest rates

provided by ProCredit Bank. Contact us for more information.

  • Interest rate of up to 2.25%
  • No maintenance fee 
  • 100 % security for your savinsgs


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Term deposits

In the section below you can find the detailed information about our term deposits. In the tables below you can review the deposit interest rate depending on the duration of the deposit and make your application today!

3 month

Currency USD, EUR
Minimum amount 5 000 
Interest rate 1.25%


6 month

Currency USD, EUR
Minimum amount 5 000 
Interest rate 1.50%


12 month

Currency USD, EUR
Minimum amount 5 000 
Interest rate 2.00%


24 month

Currency USD, EUR
Minimum amount 5 000 
Interest rate 2.25%


Term Deposit from ProCredit Bank

Additional information

Why save with ProCredit Bank?


ProCredit Bank is a German bank which has been operating in Greece for more than 8 years.


The interest rates we offer are among the best on the market and are fixed for the entire term of your deposit.


The opening of a deposit account and depositing funds is handled entirely online and there is no need to visit the Bank.


We pay the interest accrued on your deposit into your current account at maturity.

Frequently asked questions

For new clients:

You can open a deposit account quickly in a few easy steps. Note that all deposit accounts are linked to a current account into which the accrued interest will be paid.

Choose your desired deposit term and currency and complete the contact form. Our team will contact you to ask a few quick questions.  The account opening documents are signed remotely via or KEP. Finally, upon the current account opening, you can open the Term Deposit account via the internet banking.

The next step is to remit the amount you wish to deposit to your newly opened current account and fund the deposit. The term of the deposit period commences on the day the amount is received into the account.

For current clients of ProCredit Bank:

If you are already a customer of the Bank, you can open a deposit via the Prob@anking online banking platform, Accounts & Savings menu and button + New deposit.

The deposit should be funded by a transfer from your personal private account in a Greek or another bank in a Member State of the European Economic Area. No fee is charged for incoming transfers to ProCredit Bank.

The deposit accrues interest on a monthly basis on the date of opening the account or the date of its early termination. Interest is capitalised to the principal after withholding tax in accordance with national legislation.

You cannot add more money into the term deposit account, but you can create multiple term deposits with different maturities and amounts.

Upon maturity, the deposit will be automatically renewed for a term equal to the term originally agreed, at the interest rate and on the current terms and conditions at the date of renewal and published in ProCredit Bank’s Interest Rate Bulletin.